Top 8 podcasts for runners
With an average of four weekly training runs and a daily two-hour commute to work, I have ample time to listen to podcasts. Right now, I...
Chia bars deliver taste, nutrition and energy
I’ve been a big fan of chia seeds for a couple of years now. They regularly occupy a prominent spot in my oatmeal or yogurt that I have...
Boco hats are tops
The visor and runners hats provide comfort, wick away sweat and offer a stylish look. I admit it. I had Boco Envy. I had seen other...
Fun Run Box delivers swag, camaraderie
When the white package with the Fun Run Box label affixed on top arrived about a month ago, I knew I was in for something new. Thanks to...
Aftershokz headphones are best, safest option for runners
Every pair of Aftershokz Trekz Titanium wireless headphones comes with Audrey, the welcoming device when the user pairs the Bluetooth to...
Runner creates gluten-free beer
Removing gluten from her diet improved Caitlin Landesberg’s health and fitness, and propelled her to create Sufferfest. Caitlin...
Ten things runners should know about Oofos recovery sandals
For full disclosure, I had the opportunity (or is that oo-portunity?) to test out and review a pair of Oofos sandals (Ooahh Sport) as...
Why InsideTracker is a fit for endurance athletes
As an endurance athlete, I have a good understanding of what training it takes to build toward races. And while I eat a healthy diet,...